Friday, August 23, 2013

#Green #Seine in #Paris #France

La Seine river is almost as famous as the Eiffel Tower when it comes to things associated with Paris, France. It is the background in many paintings, photographs, movies and is the subject of a song The River Seine sung by Dean Martin.

The Seine is 776 km long with 37 bridges within Paris. Of these bridges, The Pont Neuf is the oldest standing bridge dating back to 1607. The Pont des Arts has become a popular bridge for tourists to attach a padlock, with their initials engraved or carved into it, lock it to the railing and throw the key into the river. This gesture is said to represent the couple's love for one another.

One can take a river boat cruise and enjoy the sights of the city from the water. I recommend taking this tour at night when the City of Lights really comes sparkle. One can also go to the beach in the summer when the paved banks are transformed into sandy beaches in what is known as Paris-Plagues.

One can spend hours exploring the river. I captured the river on a day it was green. The colour of the river did not take away from its beauty. For me the river is alive with many moods- green being the mood on this particular day. 

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